Manual. 1. First launching of OsmAnd, installing, managing map files
1. First launching.
After installing and first launching of the application the following message appears on the screen: «Thank you for using OsmAnd! For many features of this application some regional offline data which you can download via «Settings» - «Manage map files». Afterwards you will be able to view maps, locate addresses, look up POIs and find public transportation». There are two buttons below «Later» and «Download regions». Select the «Later» button as though you have already downloaded data.
2. Data downloading.
The «Accessibility» plugin must be activated before downloading any data components. To do that open «Settings» - «Plugins» and select «Accessibility». The application has limited download possibilities without this plugin and the Wikipedia data is not shown in the download manager. Go back to «Settings» - «Manage map files». Find necessary data and download it. There are three tabs in the «Manage map files»: «Local», «Downloads», «Updates». To navigate between the tabs use double tapping on the tab's name or swiping with two fingers to the left or to the right.
2.1. Local.
Here you can see maps and other data that are downloaded to your device. You can deactivate, rename or delete data using the functional buttons.
Here you can find data for downloading from the server: map files, voice data for different languages, Wikipedia data. Select necessary files checking the box to the right of each file. The «Download» button will appear in the bottom of the screen; the digit on the button will show the number of selected files. Activate this button to start downloading. The internet access is required for this operation.
2.3. Updates.
Here you can find a list of files that have updates. If this tab is empty you have the most recent data downloaded. If here are several files in the list, activate the «Other actions» button and select «Select all». The «Download» button will appear in the bottom of the screen; the digit on the button will show the number of selected files. Activate this button to start updating. The internet access is required for downloading.
3. The files recommended for downloading.
You have to download the following maps: From Worldwide and topic maps: World altitude correction, World overview map. From Worldwide Wikipedia POIs: Wikipedia file in your language. Maps of your country/city.
4. Useful information.
After first launching the application creates its folder «osmand». This folder contains application's data files and downloaded files. Vector maps, the «favourites.gpx» file and Wikipedia data are located in the folder's root. GPX tracks are located in the «tracks» folder, voice data in the «voice» folder, tales of raster maps in the «tiles» folder, application's sounds in the «sounds» folder. If there are deactivated data, the application creates one more folder «backup» in the «osmand» folder, and «Offline map (vector) Deactivated» in «Manage map files». The deactivated map cannot be used for searching. After updating deactivated maps are automatically being activated and appears in the list of all maps. The renamed map cannot be updated. It is not displayed in the «Updates» tab. To update you have to download not renamed version of the map.