Manual. 10. The useful tips
1. Day/night mode.
Some vector map appearance may be changed between day or night modes. Night mode is safer for night use To set day or night mode double tap the «Back to menu» button, then select «Configure map», choose day/night map under the «Map rendering» heading. The following options are available: «Sunrise/sunset» - automatic mode, controlled by the position of the sun (default), «Day» - always use day mode, «Night» - always use night mode. «Light sensor» - map appearance is controlled by the device's light sensor, only if equipped.
2. Share location.
Now you can share locations of interesting places. To share your current location use option «Share location» in the «Use location» context menu. To share a point from the map find the point in the «Search» mode, press the «Show on map» button, then use option «Share location» in the «Use location» context menu. You can choose a way to share your location: via email, sms or copy it in a clipboard.
3. Favorite points.
Frequently used points can be saved as favorites, as follows. In the «Use location» context menu for any point, select option «Add to favorites», and then enter a name for it. After saving a point, it is accessible via the «My favorites» tab of the «My places» menu and in the «Favorite» tab of the «Search» menu. Long double tapping on any favorite point provides options like set it as destination, edit and delete it. You can display your favorite points on the map screen. In «Menu» select the «Configure map» submenu, and then enable the «Favorites» layer. Enable the «Point labels» layer for displaying names of favorite points on the map screen.
4. Improving OpenStreetMap.
OsmAnd uses maps based on the data and can directly be used to improve it. You can create and upload POIs or OSM bug reports. First, you have to provide your OSM login information under «Settings» - «OSM editing». To add a new POI use option «Create POI» in the «Use location» context menu. If you have found a bug on the map, you can inform the openstreetmap community about the problem. Remember, you need the internet access for working with this plug-in.
5. The «Use location» context menu.
Use the long double tapping on the map screen to enter the «Use location» context menu or double click the «Back to menu» button, and then select «Use location».
6. Searching.
You can search for places using different search options: by address, via coordinates, as POI. For all search results a context menu or an action bar offers options like «Directions to», «Set as destination», «Show on map», «Add to favorites».
7. Setting destination.
You can set a point as destination in search results or the favorite list. The destination is marked as an orange circle with a black-and-white checked flag on the map. An orange arrow shows the direction to the destination. There is also shown straight distance to the destination on the map's upper right corner.
8. Navigation.
First, you have to set a destination point. You can do it in the «Search» mode.
9. Application's profile.
OsmAnd supports several customizable profiles for different navigation modes. You can change the default profile in «Settings» - «General» - «Default profile». The profile can be also changed when creating a route.
10. Map orientation.
You can change map orientation options double clicking the «Compass» button on the map screen. These options are «Don't rotate» (north is up) the map will not be rotated, north will be always up; «To direction of movement» the map will continuously be aligned with your heading; «To compass» the map will continuously be aligned with the device's compass reading.
11. Local data updating.
The application needs up-to-date maps for the correct work. The «Manage map files» menu shows a list of available maps sorted by regions and updates for local maps. You can see available updates of your downloaded maps on the «Updates» tab of the «Manage map files» menu in «Settings». Activate the «Other options» button at the top right corner of the screen, select «Select all» and press the «Download» button at the bottom of the screen.
12. Map source.
(Activate the «Online maps» plugin.) You can change map source and arrange map layers in the «Online maps» plugin. You can choose offline vector maps, online maps from different sources or maps manually created (using OsmAndMapCreator on your PC). OsmAnd also supports custom sources.
13. Altitude correction.
Most GPS devices report altitude measurements in the ellipsoid-based WGS84 reference system, from which a conversion to locally used systems requires a position-dependent correction. OsmAnd will display your position's altitude after you download the file «World altitude correction» (WW15MGH.DAC) via «Settings» - «Manage map files». (original is at
14. Voice commands.
To give a voice command shortly press a headset button or shake one or several times the device lengthwise its vertical axis. See the full list of voice commands in «The list of voice commands».
15. You can locate the point direction with the help of direction audio or haptic feedback.
Enable direction audio feedback or direction haptic feedback via «Settings» - «Accessibility». Both options can be active simultaneously. Select a point, and then slowly rotate the device holding it horizontally. The device's upper part must be placed between two sound signals. Find the first signal, and then slowly at small angle rotate the device until you hear the second sound signal. The single sound signal (viabration) indicates the left side and the double sound signal ( viabration) indicates the right side of the sund angle.
16. Finding your current location.
To define your current position use the «Where am I» command. (see 14. Voice commands). There are several options for the reverse geocoding service: Local maps (offline). OSM Nomenatim, Google Mps, Yandex Maps. After specifying the service, you get information about the nearest to your position address. Information provided by different services can considerably vary.
17. Using the «Aftershokz» headset.
Connect the headset to your device. To start using the headset, open the map screen. Press the headset's right button, wait for a sound signal, and then pronounce a voice command. Make a pause, wait for a recognition end sound signal. Pressing the right button during the recognition process stops it.
18. Worldwide Wikipedia POIs.
OsmAnd supports Wikipedia data in different languages. After downloading a Wikipedia file in your language, you can use it worldwide. The information will be provided in your language.
19. Updating OsmAnd Access.
If the previous version of the application is uninstalled, the new application has to be configured after installation. A new version keeps the previous settings if installed without uninstalling the old version. The configuration file is kept in the device's memory and cannot be accessed by the user.