Manual. 12. Transportation search
You cannot create a navigation route using the transport mode. It is possible to find out public transport going to your destination, to look through the list of stops, the distance to the nearest stop around the destination point and so on.
- Set your destination point.
- Searching is realized near your current location. That is why you have to find your current location by activating the "Where am I" button on the map screen.
- To search around a remote point bring the map to the desirable position after setting the destination point.
- Go to the transportation tab in the search mode.
- You will see the list of public transport, the distance from the current location to the nearest stop, the distance from the nearest stop to the destination point, the first and the lat stops of the transport route.
- If there are no results found, activate the "Find more" button.
- Double tap on the desirable transportation. It’s more logical to select such means of transport where the distances from your current location to the nearest stop and from a stop to the destination point are smaller.
- The dialog will be opened in which all stops from your current location to the end of the transport route will be listed. The stop nearest to the destination point is marked with two exclamation marks. Moreover, you can detect the nearest stop by distance – it is the smallest.
- Select a stop. Another dialog will be opened. It has the following options: "Finish search", "Prior route", "Subsequent route". If you are satisfied with the results, activate "Finish search". If you want to search more, for example to go closer to the destination point, select "Subsequent route".
- When "Finish search" is selected, only one route and its short description are shown in the list. The description contains the following information: the first and the last stops, the number of stops on your way, the distance from your current location to the first stop, and the distance from the last stop to the destination point. There is the "Delete" button to the right of this information.
- Double tap this short route information to open detailed information: the distance, the number of stops, names of all stops.
- If you select "Subsequent route" and the nearest means of transport for several times you can create a route with transport change. Be careful with such routes. It is easy to be confused and mix up means of transport. Besides, such routes can be imprecise because maps contain not all public transport routes.
- If you want to search transportation to the first stop of the route, activate "Prior route".