Manual. 3. The short settings guide
1. Manage map files.
Download and manage offline map files stored on your device. Downloading and managing your device's local data. See 1. "First launching".
2. General.
Configure display and common settings for the application.
2.1. «Default profile».
There are four profile settings in the application. Map view and navigation settings are remembered per use profile. You can set the application's default profile here.
2.1.1. «Browse map».
2.1.2. «Car».
2.1.3. «Bicycle».
2.1.4. «Pedestrian».
2.2. «Map orientation» (Select map screen alignment)
2.2.1. «Don't rotate» (north is up).
2.2.2. «To direction of movement».
2.2.3. «To compass».
Set 2.2.1. «Don't rotate» for all profiles. This is the only setting that must be configured separately for all profiles. Other settings here are remembered for all profiles.
2.3. «Screen orientation» (Portrait, landscape, or device):
2.3.1. «Portrait».
2.3.2. «Landscape».
2.3.3. «Same as device».
2.4. «Display language». (Select display language).
2.5. «Map preferred language». Preferred language for labels on the map (if it is not available will switch to English or to local names).
2.6. «Driving Region». [Europe & Asia] Select Driving Region: US, Europe, UK, Asia and others.
2.7. «Unit of measure». (Change units of length and speed)"
2.7.1. «Kilometers/meters».
2.7.2. «Miles/feet».
2.7.3. «Miles/yards».
2.8. «Voice guidance». Select voice guidance for navigation.
You must set the voice guidance in your language for the application's correct work. For the English language set «TTS Voice English». After configuring this setting all announcements will be spoken by your device's TTS engine. To change the setting double tap «Voice guidance» and select a TTS voice. If your language TTS voice is absent select «Install more».
2.9. «Voice guidance output» Choose channel to play voice guidance (system-dependent) [Media/music audio]
2.9.1. «Media/music audio».
2.9.2. «Notification audio».
2.9.3. «Voice call audio».
2.10. «Interrupt music». Interrupt music when making announcement. checkbox.
2.11. «App theme». (Choose application theme).
2.11.1. «Dark».
2.11.2. «Light».
2.11.3. «Dark ActionBar».
2.12. «Storage directory». /storage/emulated/0.
If there is no enough space left in your device's memory you can change the directory via «Storage directory». All application's data can be stored on the SD card.
2.13. «Safe mode» Run the application in safe mode (using slower Android instead of active code). checkbox.
2.14. «Use Kalman filter». Use Kalman filter to avoid compass aberrations. checkbox.
Do not use this filter! The option affects the correct work of direction audio feedback.
3. Navigation.
Specify options for the navigation.
3.1. «Profiles specific settings»:
3.1.1. «Car».
3.1.2. «Bicycle».
3.1.3. «Pedestrian».
Each profile is individually configured. The «Pedestrian» profile options are listed here. The profile «Car» has some other options regarding car navigation features.
3.2. «Navigation service». Choose an online or offline navigation service [OSMAND]:
3.2.1. «OsmAnd (offline)».
3.2.2. «YOURS».
3.2.3. «OpenRouteService».
3.2.4. «ÐžSRÐœ (only car)».
3.2.5. «Straight Line».
The recommended option is 3.2.1. «OsmAnd (offline)».
Routing preferences.
3.3. «Avoid...» Avoid toll roads, unpaved, ferries.
3.3.1. «Avoid ferries». checkbox.
3.3.2. «Avoid motorways». checkbox.
Navigation preferences.
3.4. «Auto-center map view» (Time until map view synchronizes with current position).
3.4.1. «Never».
3.4.2. «5 seconds».
3.4.3. «10 seconds».
3.4.4. «15 seconds».
Maximum rate - 90 sec.
3.5. «Auto-zoom map». Auto zoom map according to your speed (while map is synchronized with current position).
3.5.1. «No auto zoom».
3.5.2. «To long-range».
3.5.3. «To mid-range».
3.5.4. «To close-up».
3.6. «Snap to road» (Snap position to roads during navigation) checkbox.
3.7. «Show alarms...». Configure traffic warnings (speed limits, forced stops, speed bumps), speed camera warnings, and lane information.
3.7.1. «Show traffic warnings». checkbox.
3.7.2. «Show speed cameras». checkbox.
3.7.3. «Show lanes». checkbox.
3.8. «Announce...». configure to announce street names, traffic warnings (forced stops, speed bumps), speed camera warnings, speed limits.
3.8.1. «Announce street names (TTS)». checkbox.
3.8.2. «Announce traffic warnings». checkbox.
3.8.3. «Announce speed limit». checkbox.
3.8.4. «Announce speed cameras». checkbox.
3.8.5. «Announce nearby Favorites». checkbox.
3.8.6. «Announce nearby POI». checkbox.
3.8.7. «Announce GPX waypoints». checkbox.
3.9. «Repeat navigation instructions». Re-announce navigation instructions at regular intervals.
3.9.1. «Never».
3.9.2. «1 min.».
3.9.3. «2 min.».
max interval 30 min.
3.10. «Arrival announcement». How soon do you want the arrival announcement?
3.11. «Show zoom buttons». Show zoom buttons during navigation. checkbox.
3.12. «Turn on the screen». Turn on the phone screen when approaching a turn. checkbox.
4. Plugins.
Plugins activate advanced settings and additional functionality. Double tap a plugin to activate or deactivate it. (Restarting OsmAnd may be required). Two plugins are of the most importance for us: «Trip recording» and "Accessibility" (#2 and #6 on the list).
4.2. «Trip recording» (Configure how to record your trips). checkbox.
4.6. «Accessibility». (Accessibility related preferences). checkbox.