Manual. 4. The plugins menu
2. Trip recording.
Configure how to record your trips.
2.1. «Profile Specific Settings»:
2.1.1. «Car».
2.1.2. «Bicycle».
2.1.3. «Pedestrian».
Each profile is configured separately.
Log track to GPX file.
General position logging to a GPX file can be turned on or off using the GPX recording widget on the map screen.
Save current GPX track. Save current track to SD now.
2.2. «Log track to GPX file during navigation». Tracks will be saved to track directory during navigation. Checkbox.
2.3. «Logging interval during navigation» (Choose logging interval for track recording during navigation):
Over the range 1 sec. to 5 min.
Online tracking (GPX required).
2.4. «Online tracking web address».
2.5. «Online tracking». (GPX required) Send tracking to a specified web service if GPX recording is enabled. Checkbox.
2.6. «Online tracking interval». Specify online tracking interval.
6. Accessibility.
Accessibility related preferences.
6.1. «Accessibility mode» Turns on accessibility features.
6.1.1. «On».
6.1.2. «Off».
6.1.3. «According to the global system setting».
Accessibility options.
6.2. «Direction style» (Choose style to express relative directions while moving):
6.2.1. «Sidewise» (8 sectors)
6.2.2. «Clockwise» (12 sectors).
6.2.2. is recommended.
6.3. «Smart autoannounce» (Notify only when direction to the target point is changed) Checkbox.
If this option is not selected you can set the autoannounce interval in 6.4. «Autoannounce period», you can turn the autoannouncement on or off via «Main menu» - «Where am I» - «Show details» - «Start autoannouncing».
6.4. «Autoannounce period» (Minimal time interval between announces):
Over the range 5 sec. to 5 min.
6.5. «Direction audio feedback» (Indicate target point direction by sound). Checkbox.
6.6. «Direction haptic feedback» (Indicate target point direction by vibration). Checkbox.
6.7. «Use trackball for zoom control» (Change map zooming by horizontal trackball moves). Checkbox.
6.8. «Map access» (Modified map reaction on gestures). Checkbox.
This option must be selected!
6.9. «Reverse geocoding service» (Choose reverse geocoding data source):
6.9.1. «Local maps» Offline.
6.9.2. «OSM Nominatim».
6.9.3. «Google maps».
6.9.4. «Yandex maps».
6.10. «Enable shake actions» (Voice commands or current location description). Checkbox.
6.11. «Voice commands» (Voice commands editor).
6.12. «Navigation» (Specify options for the navigation).
6.12.1. «Profile Specific Settings»: «Car». «Bicycle». «Pedestrian».
Each profile is configured separately.
6.12.2. «Don't change route when you off the way» (Prevent automatic route recalculation when you are quite far from the right way): Checkbox.
6.12.3. «Don't change route by wrong direction» (Prevent automatic route recalculation when you are moving in wrong direction): Checkbox.
6.12.4. «Target point proximity radius» (target point arrival distance).
Over the range «Choose automatically» to 200 meters. If «Choose automatically» is selected, the value from «Settings» - «Navigation» - «Arrival announcement» is used.
6.12.5. «Intermediate point proximity radius» (Intermediate point arrival distance).
Over the range «Choose automatically» to 200 meters. If «Choose automatically» is selected, the value from «Settings» - «Navigation» - «Arrival announcement» is used.
6.12.6. «Waypoint proximity radius» (Approximate point arrival distance)
Over the range «Choose automatically» to 200 meters. If «Choose automatically» is selected, the value from «Settings» - «Navigation» - «Arrival announcement» is used.
6.12.7. «Maximum route deviation» (At what distance from the route a warning should be produced)
Over the range «Choose automatically» to 200 meters.
6.12.8. «Position refresh time» (Minimal allowed period of positioning data refresh).
Over the range 0.0 to 5.0 sec. If 0.0 is set, the system controls the number of requests.
6.13. «Vicinity exploration» (Setup POI filter for vicinity exploration).
6.14. «Route info accessibility» (Additional info accessibility in the route descriptions).
Configurable route info accessibility. There is a plethora of information attached to each item in the route description screen, so it might be boring to have TalkBack reading just everything. Now it is possible to select explicitly what chunks of information should be read. It can be done either from the accessibility plugin settings or directly from the route description screen.
6.14.1. «Segment distance» (Check to make it accessible). Checkbox.
6.14.2. «Segment time» (Check to make it accessible). Checkbox.
6.14.3. «Cumulative distance» (Check to make it accessible). Checkbox.
6.14.4. «Cumulative time» (Check to make it accessible). Checkbox.