Manual. 6. The "Search" mode
You can search for places using different search options: «POI search» (points of interest), «Search by address», «Search by location», «Favorites search», «History search», «Transportation search».
1. «POI».
You can search for POIs by name. Moreover, POIs are grouped by categories, e.g. Food shop, Parking, Healthcare, Leisure. After selecting any category, you can look through points near your current location; find distance and direction to a point. You can expand the searching radius selecting the «Find more» button. The "Show on map" and «Filter» buttons can be used for respective functions.
2. «Address».
To search by address you have to select region, city, street, and building. Building can be selected from the list or its number can be entered by digits. You can select the «Intersecting street» radio button to search for intersections instead of buildings. After choosing the address you can use the functional buttons for different actions: «Directions to», «Set as destination», «Show on map», «Add to favorites», «Online search».
2.1. «Directions to»:
Directions to the chosen address.
2.2. «Set as destination»:
Set the chosen address as destination. One point at a time can be set as destination.
2.3. «Show on map»:
Displays the chosen address on the map screen and sets location to this point.
2.4. «Add to favorites»:
Adds the chosen address to favorite points for farther quick use.
2.5. «Online search»:
Searching for addresses via the internet.
3. «Location».
Searching via coordinates. You have to specify the latitude, the longitude and the format of coordinates. After entering the coordinates you can use the functional buttons for different actions: «Directions to», «Set as destination», «Show on map», «Add to favorites».
4. «Favorite».
Opens the list of favorite points. You can use these points for setting destinations and so on. These points are displayed in the «Look around» mode and don't differ from other points on the map.
5. «History».
The search history is shown.
6. «Transportation».
Searching for public transport.
You can search near different locations, including remote locations. You can select options from the drop-down list at the top of the screen:
1. «Current position» – searching near your current location.
2. «Last map view» – searching near the point that is in the map's focus now.
3. «Favorites» – searching near the selected favorite point.
4. «Address» – searching near the selected address.