Manual. 7. The main menu
The main menu is available from the map screen. To enter it double tap the «Back to menu» button. There are the following options:
1. Where am I?
The information about your current position, the nearest address and so on.
1.1. «Show location» - shows your current position on the map.
1.2. «Show details» - shows the nearest address and the current scale of the map.
If the destination point is set the following elements will be added: the name of the destination point, the direction and the distance to it, the current speed and the current direction, the accuracy in meters and the altitude, and the data source (network – data from the internet, GPS – data from the GPS receiver). There are two buttons below: the «Close» button to the left used for closing this window, and the «Start autoannouncing» to the right that toggles the autoannouncing mode (automatic announcement of distance and direction to the destination). The work of the autoannouncing mode depends on the «Accessibility» plugin settings.
2. Directions.
Managing route planning functions.
3. Search.
Opens the «Search» menu, see 6. «Search mode» for details.
4. My Places.
Here you can see your favorite places sorted by categories that you can add while adding a point to favorites. You can manage categories, delete or edit them and also points stored there. Your recorded GPX tracks are also stored here.
5. Use location.
5.1. «Look around» - explore points around the map's focus.
Points are sorted by distance. The direction to the selected point (the point in the focus) can be found using the direction audio or haptic feedback. Double tapping on the selected point opens a menu with the following options: «Directions to», «Set as destination», «Show on map», «Add to favorites», «Show POI description», «Show details». If the direction feedback does not function the direction information may be found in «Show details».
5.2. «Voice control» - allows making voice commands. See The List of voice commands.
5.3. «Directions To» - plan a route from the current location to the location shown on the map.
5.4. «Directions From» - plan a route from the location shown on the map (The destination point must be set in advance).
5.5. «Set as destination» - Set the map focus as destination.
5.6. «Search near here» - search near the location in focus.
5.7. «Share location» - send the location in focus via SMS, email etc.
5.8. «Add to favorites» - save the location in focus as a favorite place, similarly to adding a point in Loadstone. These points are displayed in the «Look around» mode and don't differ from other points on the map.
5.9. «Add GPX waypoint» – add your current location to the recording GPX track.
6. Configure map.
You can configure the information displayed on the map in this menu. Each profile is configured separately. All elements are grouped in several categories. The upper line contains the profiles: «Browse map», «Car», «Bicycle», «Pedestrian». Select a profile for configuring. Select checkboxes near elements to display them on the map screen. When you select «GPX track...» a new window opens. You can choose tracks for displaying on the map screen from the list. The track route becomes visible on the map's screen. If the track contains waypoints they will be displayed in «My places», the «Selected tracks» tab. You can use them as regular favorite points.
6.1. «POI». Checkbox.
6.2. «Point labels». Checkbox.
6.3. «Favorites». Checkbox.
6.4. «GPX track». Checkbox.
6.5. «Transportation stops». Checkbox.
Map rendering.
6.6. «Map style».
6.7. «Day/night map».
6.7.1. «Sunrise/sunset».
6.7.2. «Day».
6.7.3. «Night».
6.7.4. «Light sensor».
6.8. «Text size».
Adjust map text size independent of map zoom.
6.9. «Public transport mode». Checkbox.
6.10. «Tram and train». Checkbox.
6.11. «Subway mode». Checkbox.
6.12. «Show cycle routes». Checkbox.
6.13. «Hiking symbol overlay». Checkbox.
6.14. «More details». Checkbox.
6.15. «Show road surface». Checkbox.
6.16. «Show road quality». Checkbox.
6.17. «Show access restrictions». Checkbox.
6.18. «Show contour lines».
Display from zoom level (requires contour data):
6.19. «Color-code buildings by type». Checkbox.
6.20. «Hide boundaries». Checkbox.
6.21. «Hide polygons». Checkbox.
6.22. «Hide buildings». Checkbox.
Other map attributes.
6.23. «Rendering mode».
Optimize map for a profile.
7. Configure screen.
You can configure the toolbar, i.e. the elements or the information displayed on the map screen. Each profile is configured separately. All elements are grouped in several categories. The upper line contains the profiles: «Browse map», «Car», «Bicycle», «Pedestrian». Select a profile for configuring. Select «Reset to default» to get the default settings of the selected profile.
Status bar.
7.1. «Compass». Checkbox.
The "Compass" button is displayed on the map. It is a shortcut for «Settings/General/Map orientation».
7.2. «Screen lock». Checkbox.
The «Lock screen» button is displayed on the map screen. Double tapping the button locks all sensor elements on the map screen. You can get the information but cannot use any functions on the map screen.
7.3. «Street name». Checkbox.
Street names will be displayed on the map screen and changed while navigating.
7.4. «Where am I?» Checkbox.
The «Where am I» button is displayed on the map screen. You can link the map to your location using this button. The «Where am I» button has three options:
1. «Position is not yet known». (There is no satellite connection).
2. «Where am I». (The map is not linked to your current location).
3. «Map is linked to location». (The map's focus is connected to your current location).
You can also request information about your current location using this button. If the button is in «Where am I» position: make a long double tapping jesture. If the button is in «Map is linked to location» position: make a double tapping jesture.
Right panel.
7.5. «Waypoint». Checkbox.
The «Waypoint» button is displayed on the map screen. You can get information about the route's waypoints.
7.6. «Destination». Checkbox.
The information about the destination point is displayed on the map screen. Double tap this button to move the map's focus to the destination point.
7.7. «Time to go». Checkbox.
The «Time to go» button shows the routes time. The button has two options. «Arrival time» and «Time to go».
7.8. «Speed». Checkbox.
The information about your current speed is displayed on the map screen.
7.9. «GPS info». Checkbox.
The information about satellites is displayed on the map screen.
7.10. «Speed limit». Checkbox.
The information about speed limits is displayed on the map screen. (the button is not used in the pedestrian navigation).
7.11. «GPX Recording». Checkbox.
The «GPX Recording» button is displayed on the map screen. You can use this button for managing track recording.
7.12. «Altitude». Checkbox.
The information about the altitude is displayed on the map screen.
7.13. «Current time». Checkbox.
The current time is displayed on the map screen.
Left panel.
7.14. «Next turn». Checkbox.
7.15. «Next turn (small)». Checkbox
7.16. «Second next turn». Checkbox.
Select the checkboxes 7.14-7.16 to get the information about the nearest turns on the route. The information about next turn contains the turn's direction and the dynamically changed distance to the turn. Thus, next turn is the current route direction. You can locate the direction to next turn using the direction feedback.
Remaining elements.
7.17. «Ruler». Checkbox
7.18. «Show destination direction». Checkbox
7.19. «Transparent skin». Checkbox
7.20. «Display position always in center». Checkbox
8. Settings.
Opens the «Settings» menu. See 3. Short settings guide for more details.
9. Show GPS status.
This application does not installed by default. When you enter the menu for the first time, OsmAnd will ask you to download «GPS Status and Toolbox» from Google Play. The main application's area cannot be used in non-visual manner. Here you can find information about satellites, current speed and direction, altitude, battery use, coordinates and so on. There are useful tools in this application such as compass calibration, pitch and roll calibration, managing A-GPS state.
10. Help.
11. Exit.
Close the application.